Ticket Booth for the Nose
Tourist infrastructure in Bali
In the heart of Bali, Indonesia, surrounded by a vast land of water rice paddy field, which is called Subak by the local, a tourist path infrastructure was designed to fit in the landscape. Through the usage of air dynamic in the shape of the design, a variety of surrounding perception was collected and enhanced to the visitors including rice smell, river smell, wind smell and temple incense odour. As a infrastructure, it houses a gathering plaza, view platform, ticketing and tea rest to an old temple to the local. The path is only a portion of much large visitor route, with the collective work of the design studio to provide unique memory experience at each point of visit.
Site: Middle Bali, Indonesia
Studio: Julia Watson
Fall 2013, 3rd year
Individual Work
Invisible Infrastructure
The ticket booth takes a low altitude to hide in the landscape. With the exception of the elevated walk way, the visitors are always enclosed by walls of smell gently blown through the rice field.
Low elevation in rice field.
Submerge in rice field.
The rice field is not only a source of food for the local, but also a source of spirit to be respected. The sound of wind and water, the smell of rice crop and incense , the touch of river and the view of the mountain are one integrated memory of the site. As a tourist infrastructure, the design would provide those perception being extract from the environment and redirect toward the visitors by means of air fluid dynamics.
Ticketing area with the pond.
Local material.
In order to blend the infrastructure in the local community, weather iron is used for the path walk due to its ability to rust in color to earth Pantone overtime. Bamboo finish is used for interior as it is commonly found in the local environment.